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 Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal

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2 participants

Messages : 23
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2012

Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal Empty
MessageSujet: Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal   Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal EmptySam 15 Déc - 8:43

Afin de constituer un dossier, nous désirons répertorier, et réunir, les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal
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Messages : 23
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2012

Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal Empty
MessageSujet: Rappelons-nous qui est Eric Julien et Eve Marchal   Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal EmptySam 15 Déc - 9:13

Deux personnes qui se disent investies d'une mission par des extraterrestres.

Ils concoctent un message sois-disant à la demande des extraterrestres.

"Changez le monde", et nous invitent à répondre à un référendum, "voulez-vous nous voir apparaître"

Une affiche ensuite fût crée, et une participation financière est demandée aux internautes.

Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal Carte-10
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Messages : 23
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2012

Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal   Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal EmptySam 15 Déc - 9:18

Cet homme avait plusieurs pseudos sur tous les forums ou il postait ces intentions, mais les plus connus, sont : Jean Ederman , Eric Julien

Cette femme également avaient plusieurs pseudos : les plus connus, Eve, Eve Marchal, Eve François, Féedesroches.
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Messages : 23
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2012

Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal   Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal EmptySam 15 Déc - 13:21

En fait il n'aurait fait qu'abuser le monde entier, son message traduit dans de nombreuses langues, ses interventions sur de très nombreux forums.
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Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2013

Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal Empty
MessageSujet: Voilà des abus et des personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal   Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal EmptyVen 4 Jan - 17:53

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anti EJ

Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal   Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal EmptyLun 7 Jan - 10:09

Pour ma part j'étais inscrit sur le forum

7 nov. 2006 Mail affecté d’une étoile
DE ericjulien97 À 1 destinataire [tt-france] Re : prophècies au brésil...
Bonjour Paulette,

Cela fait bien longtemps que je n'ai plus le temps materiel de
frequenter les groupes,listes et forums. Neanmoins, j'ai releve une
contre-verite a propos du 25 MAI dernier, date a laquelle il s'est
bien produit un evenement d'une grande magnitude en relation avec
l'alerte. J'attire vore attention sur ces articles:



Merci de les lire entierement car le meilleur est souvent a la fin.

Par ailleurs, vous pouvez decouvrir le site anglo-saxon qui
distribue la version anglaise de La Science des Extraterrestres. Une
campagne d'information a debute dans les plus grands magazines anglo-
saxons ayant trait aux UFO et au paranormal. Je serais aujourd'hui a
la BBC en GB.

Amities a tous.

Cordialement, Eric Julien.

--- Dans tt-france@yahoogroupes.fr, paulette@c... a écrit
> RE: Message : 1
> > Date : Fri, 3 Nov 2006 09:49:26 +0200
> >
> De : "Khefus" <khefus@w...>
> j'ai observé que mon dernier message
> adressé à tt-france a été
> tronçonné..j 'endosse la faille en vous demandant de
> m'excuser...
> le sujet focalisait un message de Van Ellam qui
> annonçait de graves évènements à survenir le 4
> octobre dernier au MO :incidents nucléaires et/ou bombes
> chimiques/biologiques...
> confirmant mes affirmations qu'il n'en serait
> rien, l actualité n'a signalé aucun fait ressemblant de
> près ou de loin a cette prévision.....
> j avais aussi démenti que le 25 mai
> dernier , aucun asteroide ne se choquerait contre l atlantique
> mega/tsunami.....
> le plus important prophète de ts les
> temps, jucelino nobrega da luz , brésilien d 'une quarantaine d
> années et qui a à son actif 86.000 lettres de
> prévisions addressées tant aux particuliers comme aux
> têtes couronnées et chefs de nombreux pays aussi vient
> d'essuyer un échec de poid puisqu il affirmait sans aucune
> possibilité de non réalisation, l'élection de geraldo
> alckimin à la présidence de la république au
> brèsil....avec 67% des votes...malheureusement pour la
> majorité réelle des brésiliens non votants ou
> insatisfaits avec le dernier mandat de lula...corruption et
> pauvreté battent leur plein..
> jucelino a un pourcentage de préditions
> confirmées de l ordre de 95%...
> entre autres:
> world trade center - tsumani en asie - italie
> champion a la coupe de football et les quatre finaliste ds l ordre
> et le score des équipes ainsi que celui des penalties...- le
> cachette exacte de saddam hussein et la description ds l état ds
> lequel il a été rencontré...- la cachette de al
> zarquawi, la forme et je jour de sa mort - l attentat de madrid -
> accident du boeing da GOL en amazonie en colision ds l espace et
> survivant etc..
> tous ces avis sont reçus en rêve
> depuis l 'âge de 9 ans...description minutieuses de la date, an,
> mois, jour et meme qqfois heure exacte ....avec le nom et l
addresse de l
> interessé qu il s'agisse d un individu ou d une
> collectivité, nation etc..
> son travail est totalement gratuit...
> donc il ne s agit pas ds mon mail, de critiquer
> qui que ce soit.....quelque soit la façon dont il est
> connecté...
> puisque khefus ds son message a signalé
> Van Ellam je voulais ajouter pour les lecteurs interessés au sujet,
> que je doute encore que les ovnis se présenteront officiellement
> aux terrestres en formations commandés par jesus..entre nov 06 et
> avril 07...
> parce que le retour de jesus est tout à
> fait improbable...!
> j en profite pour répondre à une
> autre personne qui a posté un message ds ce meme numero de
> tt-france que les ovnis sont déjà venus, les plus
> évolués d entre eux pour nous tirer de ce marasme
> idéologique dogmatique/religieux qui a construit tous les
> systèmes auxquels nous croyons et nous servont et nous vouent tous
> au stade où nous en sommes, cad a qqs décades de la
> liquidation finale...
> pourquoi? et bien pcq peu y ont cru...ceux qui
> y ont cru qui se jugent plus avancés en conscience que les autres
> ne se sont pas dépouillés de leurs vieilles croyances
> religieuses et meme spirituelles (le cas de qqs channels) et
continuent ds
> la direction de l 'abîme ...
> les *bons* s 'éclipsent ou se retirent
> et nous sommes à nouveau soumis à ceux qui de toujours ont
> établi et dirigent encore ce progrès qui est le notre et qui
> nous menent à reculons....manipulés, dominés,
> envahis, emprisonnés mutilé , divisés...bêtes
> féroces et sauvages avec un tt petit vernis craquelant de
> civilité et d'éducation...
> j organise une des prochaines
> présentations de jucelino nobrega da luz ds ma ville ds l
> 'état de rio de janeiro samedi 11 novembre...si qq un désire
> lui soumettre une question, je me ferais un plaisir de la lui
> retransmettre..
> à tous
> paulette


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J'ai oublie de mentionner l'URL du site dont je parle plus bas:

http://www.alliesbo oks.com

Par ailleurs, apres la BBC hier soir, je serai le 16 novembre
prochain sur X-zone radio:

http://www.xzone- radio.com/

Cordialement, Eric.

--- Dans tt-france@yahoogrou pes.fr, "ericjulien97"
< ericjulien97@ y...> a écrit
> Bonjour Paulette,
> Cela fait bien longtemps que je n'ai plus le temps materiel de
> frequenter les groupes,listes et forums. Neanmoins, j'ai releve
> contre-verite a propos du 25 MAI dernier, date a laquelle il s'est
> bien produit un evenement d'une grande magnitude en relation avec
> l'alerte. J'attire vore attention sur ces articles:
> http://www.savelive sinmay.com/ slimdocs/ art-25-MAI- 2006-saga- d'une-
> guerre-evitee- fr.doc
> http://www.savelive sinmay.com/ slimdocs/ EricJulien- Sommes-nous- une-
> menace-pour- les-extraterrest res-Fr.doc
> Merci de les lire entierement car le meilleur est souvent a la fin.
> Par ailleurs, vous pouvez decouvrir le site anglo-saxon qui
> distribue la version anglaise de La Science des Extraterrestres.
> campagne d'information a debute dans les plus grands magazines
> saxons ayant trait aux UFO et au paranormal. Je serais aujourd'hui
> la BBC en GB.
> Amities a tous.
> Cordialement, Eric Julien.
> --- Dans tt-france@yahoogrou pes.fr, paulette@c.. . a écrit
> >
> >
> >
> > RE: Message : 1
> > > Date : Fri, 3 Nov 2006 09:49:26 +0200
> >
> > >
> > De : "Khefus" <khefus@w... >
> >
> >
> > j'ai observé que mon dernier message
> > adressé à tt-france a été
> > tronçonné..j 'endosse la faille en vous demandant de
> > m'excuser...
> > le sujet focalisait un message de Van Ellam qui
> > annonçait de graves évènements à survenir le 4
> > octobre dernier au MO :incidents nucléaires et/ou bombes
> > chimiques/biologiqu es...
> > confirmant mes affirmations qu'il n'en serait
> > rien, l actualité n'a signalé aucun fait ressemblant de
> > près ou de loin a cette prévision.... .
> > j avais aussi démenti que le 25 mai
> > dernier , aucun asteroide ne se choquerait contre l atlantique
> provoquant
> > mega/tsunami. ....
> > le plus important prophète de ts les
> > temps, jucelino nobrega da luz , brésilien d 'une quarantaine d
> > années et qui a à son actif 86.000 lettres de
> > prévisions addressées tant aux particuliers comme aux
> > têtes couronnées et chefs de nombreux pays aussi vient
> > d'essuyer un échec de poid puisqu il affirmait sans aucune
> > possibilité de non réalisation, l'élection de geraldo
> > alckimin à la présidence de la république au
> > brèsil....avec 67% des votes...malheureuse ment pour la
> > majorité réelle des brésiliens non votants ou
> > insatisfaits avec le dernier mandat de lula...corruption et
> > pauvreté battent leur plein..
> > jucelino a un pourcentage de préditions
> > confirmées de l ordre de 95%...
> > entre autres:
> > world trade center - tsumani en asie - italie
> > champion a la coupe de football et les quatre finaliste ds l
> > et le score des équipes ainsi que celui des penalties... - le
> > cachette exacte de saddam hussein et la description ds l état ds
> > lequel il a été rencontré...- la cachette de al
> > zarquawi, la forme et je jour de sa mort - l attentat de
madrid -
> l
> > accident du boeing da GOL en amazonie en colision ds l espace et
> sans
> > survivant etc..
> > tous ces avis sont reçus en rêve
> > depuis l 'âge de 9 ans...description minutieuses de la date, an,
> > mois, jour et meme qqfois heure exacte ....avec le nom et l
> addresse de l
> > interessé qu il s'agisse d un individu ou d une
> > collectivité, nation etc..
> > son travail est totalement gratuit...
> > donc il ne s agit pas ds mon mail, de critiquer
> > qui que ce soit.....quelque soit la façon dont il est
> > connecté...
> > puisque khefus ds son message a signalé
> > Van Ellam je voulais ajouter pour les lecteurs interessés au
> > que je doute encore que les ovnis se présenteront officiellement
> > aux terrestres en formations commandés par jesus..entre nov 06 et
> > avril 07...
> > parce que le retour de jesus est tout à
> > fait improbable.. .!
> > j en profite pour répondre à une
> > autre personne qui a posté un message ds ce meme numero de
> > tt-france que les ovnis sont déjà venus, les plus
> > évolués d entre eux pour nous tirer de ce marasme
> > idéologique dogmatique/religieu x qui a construit tous les
> > systèmes auxquels nous croyons et nous servont et nous vouent
> > au stade où nous en sommes, cad a qqs décades de la
> > liquidation finale...
> > pourquoi? et bien pcq peu y ont cru...ceux qui
> > y ont cru qui se jugent plus avancés en conscience que les autres
> > ne se sont pas dépouillés de leurs vieilles croyances
> > religieuses et meme spirituelles (le cas de qqs channels) et
> continuent ds
> > la direction de l 'abîme ...
> > les *bons* s 'éclipsent ou se retirent
> > et nous sommes à nouveau soumis à ceux qui de toujours ont
> > établi et dirigent encore ce progrès qui est le notre et qui
> > nous menent à reculons.... manipulés, dominés,
> > envahis, emprisonnés mutilé , divisés...bêtes
> > féroces et sauvages avec un tt petit vernis craquelant de
> > civilité et d'éducation.. .
> >
> > j organise une des prochaines
> > présentations de jucelino nobrega da luz ds ma ville ds l
> > 'état de rio de janeiro samedi 11 novembre...si qq un désire
> > lui soumettre une question, je me ferais un plaisir de la lui
> > retransmettre. .
> > à tous
> > paulette
> >
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anti EJ

Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal   Les personnes abusées par Eric Julien et Eve Marchal EmptyLun 7 Jan - 10:15

From Eric Julien Tue Apr 24 13:40:38 2007

Eric Julien
Bonjour a tous,

Je n'ai pas ecrit ici depuis bien longtemps. Alors voici quelques
nouvelles ci-dessous. Je ne m'exprime nulle part ailleurs que cette
liste en langue francaise.
Comme beaucoup le savent deja, je reside
aux USA depuis plus d'un an (desole donc pour les accents manquants).

Vous trouverez tout d'abord, apres mon texte, un article en anglais
sur une theorie a trois dimensions de temps (Sparling, ancien eleve
du grand physicien Roger Penrose, auteur de "The Road to Reality")
comme mon ouvrage La Science des Extraterrestres le suggere. J'en ai
parle des 2002 apres mon experience de contact de Mars 2002.

Par ailleurs, la traduction de cet ouvrage aux USA m'a ouvert les
portes d'un nombre grandissant d'emissions de radio, de book reviews
et d'articles de magazines. Voir par exemple le book review de Donald
Reed, auteur de nombreux articles scientifiques (apres le premier
article ci-dessous). Voir ici la version anglaise de l'ouvrage.

http://www.alliesbo oks.com


http://www.amazon. com/Science- Extraterrestrial s-UFOs-Explained -
Last/dp/1601771010/ ref=dp_return_ 2/103-5676267- 4754212?
ie=UTF8&n=283155& s=books&qid= 1173811668& qid=1173811668& sr=8-1

Enfin, il y a quelques mois, j'ai ete approche par un groupe
d'experts pour participer au RAM Project auquel appartiennent par
exemple le physicien renomme Hal Puthoff, le pere du remote viewing
scientifique (projets Stargate et Grillflame) et de l'energie du
point zero (ZPE) aux USA, le genial John Hutchison avec son fameux
effet du meme nom (levitation d'objets), le Directeur scientifique du
SAIC a Washington, ainsi que nombre de scientifiques de haut niveau
de diverses branches (surtout aerospatiale) , afin de realiser une
replication de vehicule extraterrestre en competition avec les
projets de la base 51 (Papa Bear, Mama Bear et Baby Bear).

Ce RAM Project (Replication Alien Machine) est en liaison etroite
avec et soutenu par une agence americaine a trois lettres fort
connue. J'ignore si ce projet aboutira mais le directeur "Science &
Technologies" de cette agence (la direction des veritables "X-files"
appele aussi le "Weird Desk") s'est dit impressionne par ma vision du
temps (celle des ETs).

J'ai appris bien des choses sur l'ufologie depuis quelques mois, en
particulier a travers un dossier technique confidentiel du RAM
Project de plusieurs milliers de pages, et fait la connaissance des
noms les plus en vue de l'ufologie mondiale. Certains sont decevants,
d'autres au contraire impressionnants de connaissance. Je suis
sincerement desole de dire que tres peu d'ufologues francais (mais y
en a-t-il?) pourraient rivaliser avec ces tenors. Quant aux aspects
techniques de retro-ingenierie de vehicules extraterrestres de la
base 51, le projet est conforme a ce que j'ai decrit dans mon livre a
quelques variantes pres.

Tout ceci pour indiquer que les choses avancent et je regrette, pour
elle, que l'ufologie francaise soit restee aux debats polemiques a
mon egard au lieu de s'interesser au fond de mes ecrits.

Enfin, d'ici quelques semaines des evenements d'une portee
considerable en terme de contacts avec une race extraterrestre
devraient avoir lieu. Vous trouverez ci-dessous (apres l'article sur
le temps 3D) un article recent a propos du premier anniversaire de la
reception telepathique de l'alerte du 25 mai 2006 (desole c'est en
anglais) et de possible evenements futurs ("Possible future events").

Portez-vous bien. Je vous souhaite les meilleures choses.

Eric Julien

Mathematician suggests extra dimensions are time-like

April 17, 2007

In a recent study, mathematician George Sparling of the University of
Pittsburgh examines a fundamental question pondered since the time of
Pythagoras, and still vexing scientists today: what is the nature of
space and time? After analyzing different perspectives, Sparling
offers an alternative idea: space-time may have six dimensions, with
the extra two being time-like.
Sparling's paper, which was published in the Proceedings of the Royal
Society A, lays the groundwork for his theory. He explains how
spatial dimensions contain positive signs (e.g., Pythagoras' 3D space
is expressed as the sum of the squares of the intervals in three
directions, x, y, and z). Minkowski's time-like dimension, on the
other hand, combines these three dimensions with the square of time
displacement, which contains an overall negative sign.

"In three dimensions, the formula reads s2 = x2 + y2 + z2," Sparling
explained to PhysOrg.com. "Our standard spacetime has four
dimensions, but the formula has a critical minus sign: s2 = x2 + y2 +
z2 - t2. The Lithuanian Hermann Minkowski invented this idea, which
was published just six weeks before he died. Indeed, [Sir Roger]
Penrose, for one, says that special relativity was not a finished
theory until Minkowski's famous Raum und Zeit [`Space and Time']

Up until now, Sparling explains, most theories concerning extra
dimensions have dealt with space-like rather than time-like
dimensions, which results in a "hyperbolic" rather than an "ultra-
hyperbolic" geometry. However, Sparling notes that there are no a
priori arguments for a hyperbolic geometry, and he looks into the
possibility of a "spinorial" theory of physics, where six dimensions
of space-time arise naturally.

"In general dimensions, we say that the space-time is hyperbolic if
there is only one minus sign in the formula for s2," he said. "So,
for example, in the ten dimensions of superstring theory, there are
nine spatial dimensions with plus signs and one minus sign. Only in
that situation is there a clear-cut distinction between the future
and the past."

Cartan's triality symbol links two twistor space and space-time.
Image credit: Erin Sparling
"In my case, I am led to the conclusion that the ordinary four
dimensional space-time extends naturally into six dimensions: the
four dimensional space is hyperbolic as usual, but in the surrounding
space there are equal numbers (3 each) of space and time dimensions,
so the formula for s2 reads something like s2 = x2 + y2 + z2 - t2 -
u2 - v2, where u and v represent the new time variables. I call this
structure a (3, 3)-structure (mathematicians call it ultra-
hyperbolic). "

Space-Time is Spinorial

Sparling's spinorial theory is based on Einstein's general relativity
and Elie Cartan's triality concept, which can link space-time with
two twistor spaces. Twistor spaces are mathematical spaces used to
understand geometrical objects in space-time landscapes. Sparling
explains spinors in the following way:

"In physics, the idea of a spinor stems from the finding that
spectral lines of atoms seem to behave as if the angular momentum of
the particles radiating photons was in half-integral units of the
quantized spin (whose size is determined by Planck's constant). This
was fully explained by Dirac's famous theory of the electron, which
led him to successfully predict the existence of the positron."

Some spinorial particles include the electron, muon, tau, proton,
neutron, quarks, neutrinos, and all their anti-particles, which are
called fermions and have half-integer spins. There are also non-
spinorial particles, called bosons, such as the photon, graviton,
pion, mesons, the W and Z bosons, the Higgs, (if it exists) and so
on, which have an integer spin, Sparling explains.

"The key difference between spinors and non-spinors is their behavior
under rotations: typically, non-spinorial (integer-spin) particles
return to their initial value under a 360-degree (or 2ð-radian)
rotation; however, the spinorial (half-integer- spin) fermions
actually change sign under a 360-degree rotation, requiring a full
720-degree rotation to get back to their initial values. This is
completely foreign to our naive idea of how rotations work, and yet
it is a basic part of reality.

"Consider this analogy: if you take a plate and hold it in one hand
horizontally whilst twisting it under your arm backwards through 360
degrees, your arm ends up in the air after one rotation, and it needs
another 360 degree rotation to get it back to the beginning," he

Twistors, then, are a special kind of spinor first introduced by
Penrose (Sparling was a PhD student of Penrose). In Sparling's
theory, the two twistor spaces are each six-dimensional, forcing
space-time to also have six dimensions, in accordance with Cartan's
unifying triality. Because the twistor spaces' geometry is ultra-
hyperbolic, the extra dimensions are time-like.

"My work has three six-dimensional spaces which at one level are on
an equal footing and which are bound together by a new transform,
which I call the Xi-transform, " Sparling said. "Two of these spaces
can be understood at the space-time level as twisters. Then the third
space can be given a space-time interpretation, but only if we have
two extra dimensions: so it is the requirement of symmetry between
the spinor spaces and the space-time that dictates that the extra
dimensions be there."

A Harmonious Concinnity

While the concepts of twistor theory and spinors have been previously
investigated as an alternative to space-time, Sparling explains how
his new proposal is slightly different because it's not a complete
replacement of space-time. Rather, the guiding principle of his idea
is that of a harmonious combination of three entities, or
a "trinity." Each part of the theory reinforces the other parts.

"If one accepts that there are these three spaces [space-time and two
twistor spaces] that are central to my theory, one looks for a theory
which unifies them; this would be the `concinnity' ," he
explained. "An indicator that there might be such a theory comes from
the theory of Jordan algebras, which naturally unifies the three
spaces into a twenty-seven dimensional whole, called an exceptional
Jordan algebra." Sparling's student Philip Tillman and ex-students
Dana Mihai, Devendra Kapadia and Suresh Maran also played a
significant role related to this work.

"A second indicator is that there are two radically different
descriptions of massless particles, such as the photon: the standard
one uses Fourier analysis in space-time and another uses twistor
theory and sheaf cohomology," he added. "The mathematical formalisms
used in these two different descriptions are so different that it is
simply amazing that they are describing the same basic physics. The
concinnity would provide an explanation for this. This would then
unify twistor theory, space-time theory and string theory—this is
very tentative, however.

"A very interesting aspect is that Newton fought strongly against the
idea of the trinity (in a religious context)," Sparling noted. "It is
ironic that I am invoking that very same idea in the context of
gravity: perhaps Newton saw that the concept could be used in
physics, but because he could not think of such a use he rebelled
strongly against it (of course, I have no evidence for this!)."

Although the theory is not definitive, Sparling explains that several
major ideas in current physics would likely play a role (such as
condensed matter physics, category theory, non-commutative geometry,
string theory, and the structure of superfluids) . Such connections
might also point the direction to a unified theory, though currently

"My work can be seen as a strong antidote to the present air of
pessimism surrounding modern fundamental physics," Sparling said. "As
is well-known, string theory has been roundly criticized for its lack
of predictive power. String theorists have been reduced to an absurd
reliance on the anthropic principle, for example. Here I have a clear-
cut prediction, which goes against the common wisdom, which gives
experimenters a target to go for: first find the extra dimensions,
then decide their signature (a very tough homework assignment!) . Of
course I could be proved wrong, but the effort to decide is surely

"Actually, in the area of philosophy, I am in opposition to string
theory," he said. "It is a top down theory: dream up something that
works in some high dimension and then try to finagle some way of
reducing to fit in with the lower-dimensional theory. My approach is
bottom up: take the existing four-dimensional theory seriously and
try to build up from it. This is very tough to do. Hopefully my ideas
work. Note that my work only constitutes a possible beginning at a
more inclusive theory."

Sparling continues to explore the ideas of this 6-D time-like
spinorial theory of space-time, with support from a workshop at the
BIRS Institute in Banff, Canada, and ideas from philosophers
including Alexander Afriat, Steve Awodey, Jonathan Bain and Rita
Marija Malikonyte-Mockus. He predicts that experimental
investigations in the near future—such as the Large Hadron Collider—
might uncover the extra dimensions.

Citation: Sparling, George A. J. "Germ of a synthesis: space-time is
spinorial, extra dimensions are time-like." Proc. R. Soc. A.
doi:10.1098/ rspa.2007. 1839.

http://www.physorg. com/news96027669 .html

The Science of Extraterrestrials
(Allies Publishing, Inc., 2006)
by Eric Julien (translated by Estherella Carstens): a review by

Donald Reed*
1032 Borden Road
Depew, NY 14043
torsionpower@ yahoo.com
(see bio at the bottom)

Without question, time is one of the most ubiquitous aspects of human
existence. All human conscious thought processes and related
emotions, regarding the fulfillment of desires, occur in time. All
spatial phenomena involving motion or other forms of entropic change,
are played out on what we perceive to be a continuous intangible
background lockstep flow of an indefinable temporal essence.
Consequently, time has both objective and subjective characteristics.

Scholars, scientists and philosophers over countless centuries, have
struggled to endeavor to uncover the coveted secrets of how these two
complementary exhibits of time, objective and subjective, might be
connected, and how knowledge of their relationship could be
implemented to benefit mankind in his never-ending quest to better
our quality of life and achieve mastery over our environment.

Now, unlike all previous attempts to explore these probing questions,
a new book has emerged which purports to show how these two seemingly
disparate manifestations of time can achieve compatible synthesis. In
an unprecedented manner for works of this nature, it lays to bare the
essence of a novel 3-dimensional discontinuous fractal structure to
time, which could be capable of clarifying the nature of both
subjective feelings and objective knowledge. Moreover, the
theoretical edifice erected is revealed to be even more courageously
ambitious in scope, claiming to explain the operation and behavior of
UFOs as well as the nature of paranormal phenomena.

Through a remarkably well-developed highly-reasoned discourse, in
this book, "The Science of Extraterrestrials" , the author Eric Julien
(a.k.a., Jean Ederman), offers compelling arguments that reflect a
plausible scenario for the true nature of time and its operation.

Presenting the layout of the book in two parts, "Time for
Reflection", and "Time for Explanations" , Julien enjoins the reader,
in a most gentle but persuasive manner, to contemplate and consider
while suspending judgment, such unique and at times counter-intuitive
concepts, and to subsequently boldly apply them to some of the most
controversial subjects of contemporary culture.

Yet one should not let the provocative title of the book fool him
into thinking this is a trivial and meaningless exercise professing
an equally vague hypothesis, having only a tangential application to
uncommon or unconventional phenomena. On the contrary, the theory
presented will demonstrate, even to the most discerning reader, a
significant connection to the measurable hallmark phenomena of
physical reality: space, mass, charge and energy.

Despite the lofty intellectually- based subject matter and theoretical
premises considered, the style of the book's arguments are presented
so that the concepts are easily accessible to the general reader. On
these points, the trained scientist might be justly skeptical, since
the format of the book is essentially conversational challenging the
reader at every turn, with an economy of mathematical formalistic
development and emphasis on many diagrams and illustrations, by an
author possessing few standard academic credentials in the scientific
arena. Nevertheless, the book is extraordinarily well-written,
exhibiting superb coherence and logical consistency, that one may be
tempted to excuse these shortcomings, and will at the very least
acknowledge a well-developed and defended argument, about a plausible
yet albeit speculative theoretical structure that the author, erring
on the side of caution, admits should not be considered a bonafide
finished theory, until it can undergo future formalistic development.

At the most, it is possible that one may come away with the feeling
that these speculative notions, even in their current budding seminal
stage could, just as the theories of Einstein did a century ago,
blossom into a significant advance in our understanding of space and
time, that might even have astounding cross-disciplinary
ramifications. Moreover, unlike Einstein's theories, this cited
research goes further in scope, professing to provide rational
understanding for metaphysical processes, and hence may lead to new
insights into consciousness itself, and particularly of man's place
in the universal scheme of things.

It is indeed a rare and welcome event, when a scientifically- oriented
manuscript professes a theory so revolutionary that it could have the
potential to literally cross the boundaries of science and portend an
inexorable cross-cultural paradigmatic transformation in the very
world-view of humankind. I can clearly say, with few reservations,
this is possibly such a work. All interested readers, regardless of
their level of technical proficiency, academic credentialed status,
or dogmatic convictions, would benefit from scrutinizing the author's
theory with equanimity and as Julien himself says, by suspending
belief or non-belief, to thoughtfully reflect and come to one's own

As it is often said "extraordinary claims require extraordinary
proof". Here the author does not disappoint. He begins with a strong
indictment of the way scientific research has been carried out and is
currently practiced, decrying the "business" of science, which tends
to give more credit to scientific institutions instead of to the
genius of mankind, a practice which he calls "techno-science" . In
this regard, there is an absolute need for radical innovation, since
the labyrinth of accumulated knowledge in general lacks any form of
conceptual homogeneity. Julien says we set untenable conditions to
what reality must be, which actually has no connection to current
temporal notions upon which deterministic entropy is based. On the
contrary, reality is in motion. One could even say that man has
invented reproducibility of phenomena to provide a better basis for
predictability. In truth, the only reproducibility nature has planned
is embodied in cycles, which have the annoying tendency in failing to
cooperate with the direction of ordinary linear causality.

There is an inflexibility encrusted in the models of orthodox
physics, primarily due to the insistence on a spatial representation
of time, in the name of unchangeable sacrosanct causality.
Specifically, Cartesian-Boolean logic, abstracted from the limited
visual manner of perceiving physical reality, and its principle of
excluding a third possibility, causes man to believe in a logical
flow between cause and effect, without considering any other
principles. Ultimately, all scientific instruments translate physical
magnitudes through a filter, the visual information of the instrument
readout. Hence, as the author asserts, we have always been running
away from reality by making the unconscious choice to favor the
preeminence of visual information.

Yet, the expression "I believe only what I see" reflects a prejudice
that forces the universe into our mold, instead of vice versa.
Despite all of man's remarkable technological advances, the author
avers we are still at the center of the universe from a certain point
of view, that of identity which we can call chronocentrism.
Accordingly, just as man freed himself from the doctrine of
geocentrism (central vision in space) in the Middle Ages, now science
is at a similar crisis point which it can only extricate itself by
shattering its belief of a central vision in time (chronocentrism) .
It is chronocentrism, the author claims, that is responsible for man
in relating every manifestation back to the constant physical time
unit, itself based upon the linear spatial conception of time flow.

Julien asserts that the only way out of this space matrix and
associated deterministic causality, is by introducing a third
catalytic principle so that thesis and antithesis can find their
synthesis. This third ingredient advanced in this treatise is 3-
dimensional time. In this conception, space-time is no longer viewed
as a container, but as a fluid which can be molded like potter's
clay, whose shape will be multi-purpose. Unlike current string and
brane theories which posit increasing dimensions of space, while
using the same obsolete incomplete notions of continuous time flow,
to establish the correct description of how nature operates, it is
time that must gain dimensions and sufficient relief (in terms of
multi-attributes) .

Such a vision of time necessitates a discontinuous non-linear fractal
role for true time, in which causality can vary, as opposed to the
standard linear time flow which strictly respects deterministic
causality. The problem, as the author states, is that by considering
time as a linear flow consisting of infinitely close moments elapsing
sequentially, we create more distance between us and the reality of
metamorphosis, where the information exchange varies depending on the
object studied. In essence, instead of time being subject to
phenomena, as the tenets of all scientific theories including
quantum, special and general relativity entail, phenomena are
actually subject to the passage of time, which allows them to occur
or not.

The specific characteristic of this novel 3-dimensional time, which
separates it from all conventional notions, is the inclusion of a
variable time density, or time flow-rate, which regulates the
corresponding exchange rate of information for that phenomenon. In
presenting this model, the author applies in a most clever and
effective manner the visual image and metaphor of one of the most
recognizable symbols of antiquity associated with the measure of
time – the hourglass. Here, the individual discrete "grains" of time
vary in size fractally, becoming smaller the higher they are above
the hourglass neck (representing higher time densities). Also, the
neck of the hourglass also varies in size, thus regulating the rate
of time flow.

This new vision of time is called absolute relativity by the author.
It is governed by one basic principle: the more there is space, the
less there is time, and vice versa. Causality thus actually becomes
conditional, for it depends on the quantity of time in a given volume
of space. This property also explains and obviates some of the
glaring inconsistencies in modern physics, especially in regards to
the problem of elimination of infinities in electron self energy and
charge that are an unavoidable consequence of the mathematical
methods associated with perturbative quantum field theory.
Accordingly, with 3-dimensional time, kinetic energy of motion is
naturally connected to time, so the intrinsic (rest) energy of a mass
must also originate in a fractal relation to time. Consequently,
since time can dilate due to its fractal nature (the actual reason
for the same effect predicted by special and general relativity),
there will be no infinities, but leaps of algebraic unities. The
fractal energy corresponding to high temporal densities remains
potential for a given lower fractal without unfolding in it. Quantum
energy is essentially connected to the duration of phenomena and
particle radiation, rather than to the particle mass, which cannot
possibly be measured on this lower fractal scale.

Also in support of his revolutionary theory, Julien cites that the
sometimes counter-intuitive and contra-factual findings of quantum
theory, such as is exhibited in the phenomenon of particle
entanglement in Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) or Cooper-pairs of
electrons at low temperatures, could imply the existence of time
variability in terms of quite high time densities within a single
quantum state for these regimes. In particular, he claims the
variation of the speed of light, already documented in many recent
experiments with BEC, or the macroscopic quantum phenomena of
superconductivity and superfluidity, might be due to the
manifestation, at microscopic levels, of intrinsically higher time
fractals. Using the principle tenet of absolute relativity: the less
space, the more intense (larger) time-fields, with respect to the
observer on the macroscopic level.

The author also pays homage to others who have advanced theories
incorporating variable time-flows, or fractal models of space-time.
Among these are Laurent Nottale (who has developed a fractal model of
space for microphysics) . Unfortunately, as the author says, to the
best of his knowledge this model does not include 3-dimensional time.
Nor does the time-model proposed by the Russian researcher Nikolai
Kozyrev, which however, does imply a time density exists: rarer
around a cause and dense in proximity to an effect. Nevertheless, the
author acknowledges that Kozyrev's ideas have found experimental
verification in the 1980's Soviet Union, a fact that seems to have
either escaped the attention of most researchers in the West, or that
has been prematurely rejected due to dogmatic convictions. Other
scientists cited advancing unique time theories are the Russians L.S.
Shikhobalov, Albert Veinik (from whom he obtained the term "chronon"
to describe the quantum unit of time), American astronomer William
Tifft (who professed the notion that redshifts of stars and galaxies
might actually be due to a quantum temporal effect and not caused by
recession speed), the Soviet-Italian Robert Bartini, and the Italian
school proposing complex Minkowski space-time coordinates or six real
dimensional coordinate systems(incorporati ng 3 time dimensions): E.
Cole, Demers, Mignani, Recami, Dattoli, Vysin and Pappas.

Amongst the researchers professing both fractal and 3-dimensional
time models, the author outlines the main tenets of the theories of
the Finnish physicist Ari Lehto and the French scientist Jean-Pierre
Garnier Malet. Lehto showed in his work that a periodic time model
can be used to describe phenomena that are not dependent upon
irreversible temporal flow (such as dynamics of electrons and
protons). He symmetrizes the degrees of freedom of space and time
positing a (3,3) symmetry instead of the standard Minkowskian (3,1)
topology. The former allows for the asymmetry of phenomena subject to
temporal flow while allowing those that are not, which is the case
for elementary constituents of atoms.

As closest to his Absolute Relativity theory, he discourses at length
on the work of J.P. Garnier Malet. Malet characterized true time
as "stroboscopic" , a series of moments of observation intersected by
times of non-observations. In this so-called doubling theory, a
particle in its horizon is always a horizon of particles like Russian
dolls nesting inside each other(horizon = two particles twice as
small). Time and space are thus fractally proportional. Time dilation
occurs at the exact point where a particle crosses a curved line and
another crosses a straight line. In this sense, a horizon is an
observation boundary and the interactions demarcate time flow
deviations. Similarly, the result of an interaction can be
anticipated as doubling time elapses more quickly than time on the
scale in question.

Therefore, the exchanges of interactions would correspond to time
accelerations and decelerations, precisely concurring with Kozyrev's
observations. This is the consequence of the doubling generating
possible exchanges of trajectories (and therefore information)
between internal particles (accelerated time) and external particles
(decelerated time). The internal horizons, which he called "temporal
openings", are defined by stroboscopic observations. Julien then
extrapolates from Malet's theory that, as accelerated time (that
which reaches a point more quickly) exists side by side with the
observer's real time, it would be legitimate to argue that the future
is visible (premonition/ precognition) in the present. Accordingly, he
claims that intuition finds its roots in the future, where time is
accelerated, and usually guides us in our decision-making.

The author observes that in terms of unraveling the current enigmas
in physics, the Malet theory demonstrates that the instantaneous
potential of doubling particles is the result of a fundamental
property of time that may solve the EPR paradox. As far as
technological advances which might result from applying the theory,
Julien claims that rotational motion of a body coupled with a change
in its vibratory state (the similar protocol used by Kozyrev with
gyroscopes), might cause change in relativistic parameters:
gravitational potential, local time-flow and energy. The rotation of
bodies then constitutes the link between inertial reference frames
(motions) and sinusoidal changes (i.e., time fractals/vibratory
states). Also, since Malet, upon applying the doubling theory, showed
the speed of light is related to the maximum deviation of a doubling
transformation - seven temporal fractals between observer and
horizon – Julien argues that one could legitimately call velocity c
as a boundary between two reference frames, without being absolute.
Consequently, using this reasoning, he speculates that UFO technology
might incorporate a time dilation larger than the seven steps
described by Garnier Malet. In a later chapter in the "Explanations"
section Julien actually uses the reasoning above to propose a
possible operating technology for UFOs, involving the following
components: double-rotor, crystal oscillator, and superconductor
network involving a spinning electromagnetic field.

Due the brief summary here, sincere apologies are extended for
possibly taking Julien's fascinating time theory out of context. The
author himself suggests that experts who wish to skirmish on this
frontier in greater depth should consult J.P. Garnier Malet's website
(www.garnier- malet.com) for further formalistic development of the
doubling theory, and of course Julien's own possibly breakthrough

In regards to the state of current knowledge, Julien quotes a figure
of stature no less prestigious as Sir John Maddox, editor emeritus of
the journal "Nature" who stated: "We enter the third millennium in a
state of ignorance! What stands out is that there is no field of
modern science that is free from glaring ignorance, even
contradiction. In the light of past experience, it would be crazy to
suggest that a professed `theory of everything' can be formulated in
terms of our modern physics. Breaking through the mystery of the
origin of the universe requires the advent of a new physics, a
physics regulated by as yet unimaginable principles. In my opinion,
that is the crucial point…The person who discovers a new way of
describing time and space will be the next Einstein". From this
reviewer's viewpoint, it may come to pass that Eric Julien's
book, "The Science of Extraterrestrials" could indeed provide us with
the tools to reach this coveted goal.

*Don Reed has a Master of Arts degree in mathematics and a background
in physics and electrical engineering, and has taught mathematics at
both the high school and college levels. Over the years he has had an
abiding interest in fundamental theories of the universe, especially
in regards to space, time and energy, and as an adjunct to this
quest, has also pursued a search in the field of non-conventional and
advanced energy technology for the past 30 years. He has been
published in many journals such as Speculations in Science and
Technology, Journal of New Energy, etc., and has authored chapters
in the recent books Advanced Electromagnetism: Foundations, Theory
and Applications, published by World Scientific in 1995, and Advances
in Chemical Physics (vol. 109), published by John Wiley in 2000. He
also has had several papers printed in the Proceedings for various
conferences on advances in physics and non-conventional energy

Possible future events

April 7th 2007 is the first anniversary of the telepathic message
from benevolent ETs saying that around the date of May 25th 2006 a
huge tsunami could occur in the Atlantic ocean provoked by celestial
bodies coming from space, as a possible retaliation by hostile ETs
against humanity for the planned "preemptive war" with the possible
use of nuclear weapons. To prepare this "pre-emptive war" the Divine
Strake test, aiming the destruction of Iranian deep bunkers, was
forecast in Nevada mid-2006.

I ignored in early April 06 that the mysteriously fragmented comet
SW3 was approaching Earth, having the predicted closest distance end
of May! This Divine Strake test, related to the use of nuclear
weapons representing a threat for ETs as I have always mentioned, has
been surprisingly cancelled on May 25th 2006 after this world alert
coming from ETs! That was exopolitics for real. But to really make
exopolitics one must understand the new paradigms:

http://video. google.com/ videoplay?
docid=4773590301316 220374&q= thunderbolts+ of+the+gods& hl=en

This video link, with beautiful pictures and speaking about the
electrical model of the universe, is more than valuable since it
leads to the scientific explanations of the UFO technology which are
in perfect matching with the ARV model of Gordon Novel (electrical
discharge model) which I subscribe to.

This video confirms, through the electrical sun model (NO nuclear
furnace), my writing about the comet model of the May 25th 2006
Alert, and consequently, the danger of nuclear weapons for ETs
(reason of their presence since the WWII), and of course the Absolute
Relativity (fractal time explained in The Science of
Extraterrestrials) which addresses the place of the electrical power
as a time pace differential. The electron movement inside a fixed
frame (= quantized time differential) creates the electricity and the
magnetic field. If stars are no more nuclear furnaces as we believed,
then our atomic tests become a galactic issue.

For the vast majority of people on Earth, I am therefore much more
known for "my" May 25th 2006 tsunami "prediction" than for the
bestseller The Science of Extraterrestrials. In few words, the
worldwide alert regarding a possible giant tsunami on May 25th 2006
was a very rewarding experience for many of us. It allowed us to
size up the wide variation in people's motivations and behaviors to
say the least. The best informed among us will have understood that
this was absolutely not a joke and that, on the contrary, a blanket
of silence and lies covered over one of the most important events of
these last decades.

If the article of June 25th, "May 25, 2006, A New Era has Begun!" I
focused on the nuclear issues of the prediction and presented proofs
of the incredible success obtained by this alert, which was launched
by a press release (April 13th 06) [i]. It was first of all quite
remarkable that NASA issued an official denial[ii] on April 27th of
a "rumor" that had barely come out less than 2 weeks after the press
release but 4 weeks before the date of the conditional predicted
catastrophe: "There are some Internet stories going around that
there's going to be an impact on May 25," NASA spokesperson Grey
Hautaluoma, told SPACE.com. "We just want to get the facts out."

I therefore satisfied him. The right question, at this point, is:
why such a denial on the part of NASA top management? Where there is
denial there is often something to hide. What was the meaning, for
example, of the fancy table issued by NASA showing a "miss distance"
to Earth of zero for the fragment called 73P-SW3-BD?

On May 2nd, a message[iii] on a public forum mentioned the
following : "I received an email today regarding comet Schwassmann-
Wachmann from a friend who is a computer analyst at NASA saying two
of the comet's fragments have been labelled as probable strikes and
eight labelled as near misses. (…) I was told to prepare for the
worst and hope for the best because there isn't any plan in place to
warn the public."

As a reminder, the first press release of the worldwide alert clearly
mentioned the contact of Dr. Michael Salla, the name and website of
the Exopolitics Institute. There is not the slightest doubt for any
attentive reader that the president of the Exopolitics Institute
supported the alert before he announced publicly that he was
disassociating himself from my initiative just after the return from
Mexico of his psychic wife who, according to him in private, was
warned of a great danger some weeks before this u-turn. Why such a
contradiction? Was it due to the coming "Extraterrestrial
civilizations & World Peace" conference?

Was there any money matter as now clearly suggests the recent and
sudden "invoice" (a year after!) of $14,500 from Exopolitics
Institute which did not fulfilled its contract with me (find the
publishers for my books) and to which I offered $5,000 in June 2005
and participated to lectures for free? Are we facing a new fraud in
the American new-age UFOlogy field? What kind of activity does he
make with his wife Angelika Whitecliff? See
http://www.earthtra nsformation. com/dolphin- seminar.htm

Surprisingly, he was in fact the one who suggested me to send a press
release, that I paid. May 25th represented for me an ultimatum on
the part of hostile ETs, while it was for its president a means for
launching of the Exopolitics Institute and the June 9-11
conference "Extraterrestrial civilizations & World Peace". As a
matter of fact, I spent personally more than $10,000 to spread the
alert worldwide. Should I send an invoice to Exopolitics Institute
for the publicity, my articles in the Exopolitics Journal and my
lectures in Hawaii?

The president of Exopolitics Institute translated both my first
article (April 11th 06) and my second article (April 21st 06) into
English[iv]. He therefore was well aware of their content, in
particular the conditional aspect of the "prediction" . All through
the process of alerting the media, I changed nothing of my discourse
concerning the great risk of a giant tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean
around May 25th 2006, nor regarding the nuclear context of this
alert. At the last minute, a veritable miracle seems to have
occurred: the test Divine Strake[v] was cancelled ("put off
indefinitely" ) precisely on May 25th 2006, day of the announced

Some said that this cancellation came probably from the pressure made
by some Generals within the US military forces on the Bush
Administration. Why not! But why did the cancellation of the Divine
Strake test occur that precise date of the tsunami alert?

Maybe, but maybe not! Of course, it is not just a matter of personal
point of view. It concerns the future of humanity.

Why did a huge FEMA tsunami exercise, decided after the alert, occur
from May 23th to May 25th 2006? Coincidence? Why did the Congress
make a full evacuation drill on May 25th? Coincidence? Why did CNN
make an alert on May 23th for a coming high risk new "hurricane"
model called "Splosh Model" on the East coast of the USA where any
hurricane never took place? Coincidence? Why did NASA never speak
about the trail of the fragmented comet SW3 that I mentioned as to be
the real risk, insisting only in the medias on the position of the
main fragments of the core that everybody, including me, knew to be
without danger? Coincidence?

Why did a 6.3 earthquake occur on May 26th 2006 GMT in Indonesia with
a tsunami killing more than 3,000 people? Coincidence? Why did
a "dust cluster" hit the Earth between May 22th and May 25th?
Coincidence? Why did a big fragment of the comet hit Norway on June
6th 2006 ( 6/6/6) in USA when a fragment of the comet was predicted
to cross the Earth path? Coincidence? Why did we have a series of
huge waves in the Atlantic ocean until 80 meters high, end of May?
Coincidence? Why did the Global Consciousness Project at the
Princeton University report an exceptional and historic peak in the
humanity global consciousness activity on May 27th 2006? Coincidence?

No, there is in fact no coincidence at all. The prediction
was "wrong" because we have changed our fate with the help of the
human global consciousness thanks to the worldwide alert and not
because it shouldn't occur! This is a cause-effect relationship very
easy to understand. The Science of Extraterrestrials clearly explains
that our free will always exists. Our acts change things like the May
25th tsunami alert did.

This Divine Strake test figured in the context of the development of
nuclear bunker-busting weapons, to be used against such installations
as those which Iran has supposedly built to shelter secret military
nuclear installations. It is the threat of a U.S.-Iran nuclear
conflict which my first article of April 11 highlighted. It means
that hostiles ETs wanted to put humanity to the test and have reacted
to our decision (Divine Strake cancellation) with proper means to
control the effects on our civilization. They change a big
catastrophe into a cascade of "messages" (see above). The main
message seemed to be: "you have seen that we can destroy you on a
large scale if you disregard our warnings".

If any coming war involves nuclear weapons it is pretty sure that
another war will occur soon: the one between humans and ETs.

What? Are you so sure that we will be collectively protected by
benevolent ETs? Do you remember the World Referendum "Do you whish
that we show up?" in +20 languages, 60 millions links on Google, more
than 100 countries since 2003? Despite incredible mass sightings
after this world message, the result is still negative. So, they
don't come yet. They choose to respect our collective free will.
Don't you like our collective choice? Two solutions: spread this word
or prepare for the worst.

Are we protected against the Power to Be, against the greed and the
lust? Against the cover up and the hatred between cultures? Why
didn't benevolent ETs come for WWI and WWII to save men from madness?
If some ETs intervened to neutralize some rare nuclear warheads as a
clear warning in the past, did they avoid thousands of atomic
explosions tests? No! They have not the power to fully neutralize our
nuclear weapons. Otherwise they would have already do it. Hence, a
threat of a "pre-emptive war" against us is more than serious.

Do you think we have the least chance to win this possible new war
with hostile ETs?

Who want the humans to use nuclear weapons? Who push us to go to war?
At last, who has a "rider" in the back to explain/convince what to
do? Iran is a trap, more than one expects. It is scientifically
proven that we cannot destroy their deep underground nuclear
facilities without nuclear bombs. There are solutions through
diplomacy, through dialogues, as recent events proved in Syria
(Pelosi negotiations) and Iran (15 soldiers released). ETs are always
opened to solutions if we open our heart to the others, and our mind
to the knowledge.

We can always choose our fate. Otherwise, ufologists won't be happy
to have their evidence, their mass contact. It could come with fear
and sadness and we would remember the good times when we peacefully
asked questions about UFOs or disregard the real stakes. Better safe
than sorry. Better understood than believed. So, please, spread the

Eric Julien.
author of The Science of Extraterrestrials.
see: http://www.etrefere ndum.com
see: http://www.alliesbo oks.com/Articles /AreWeAThreat. aspx

My contact Experiences with ETs

1977 : Appearance of an orangey brilliant ball in the sky over
Toulon, prodigious acceleration, an angle of 90 then disappearance
(in less than two miles ).

1983 : Appearance of a radar echo flying at 28 000 kph (17,500
mph) from east to west, in the North of Rheims, on my panoramic
screen (at a distance of about 25 kilometres).

1984 : Appearance of a saucer on the air base of Rheims where I
was living, (reported by a colleague controller) (less than 200
metres distance away).

1990 : Appearance, during a day-dream, of a technical design of
an UFO, surrounded by three non-human creatures.

December 2001 : appearance of saucer 300 metres away from our
holiday resort on the Isle of Mauritius (reported by my daughter).

February 2002 : appearance of a very fast light (less than 200
metres away) right above our house on the island of Reunion.

March 2002 : a transcendental experience preceded by a loud
noise, identical to one of my wife's UFO sightings. The noise was
right above the house. The results of this experience is the 3D time

October 2002 : a ballet of lights (between ten and fifteen),
between our two houses, (during a house move), at the west of Arras
which seemed like a silent air battle with erratic movements lasting
for more than an hour. The passage of a triangular craft hovering the
house, with a light in each corner, twenty metres (60 feet) from the
roof. Approximate size of the craft: fifteen metres (45 feet)
(reported by my wife and two of my children).

June 2003: clear psychic appearance of a blue being spiritual
guide in the Reunion Island (Indian Ocean). Round big head, large
almond eyes, blue skin, bright purple light on the skin and in the

July 2003: telepathic communication with blue beings. Appointment
in the sky between 11 pm and 12 pm for the same day. Appearance at
11.30 pm of an increasingly bright light just in font of the window
and at the exact time of the dog barking inside the house.

Summer 2003: multiple Remote Viewing sessions to the blue Being
base under the Great Lakes to gather information about a coming
physical encounter (the neighboring field close to our house
partially cleaned for a landing area) and training for spacecraft
piloting. Numerous rooms, crafts and people seen in this base.

Summer 2003: red lasers from combat weapons were seen during the
night on the forest-covered, close and deserted hill facing the house
whereas a vessel was to land. The contact operation had thus been

September 2003: psychic reception through Remote viewing session
of the World Referendum "Do you whish that we show up?" (Sept. 6th)
and release on the Internet (Sept. 11th). This date of September 6th
2003 was announced by a very curious precise crop circle made in
1995. The text has been spontaneously translated by unknown people in
more than 20 languages today. Google search: more than 60 millions
links. Etreferendum. com

September 2003: abduction of Eve and me at night (Sept. 24th) by
Grey Aliens who transported us in a ship landed in the landing area
we had prepared for our blue being ET friends. The come back to bed
was helped by ETs.

March 2004: physical encounter with friendly ETs (blue beings) and
boarding in a ship for 3 hours in physical time = 10 days in high
time density. Journey off world and spacecraft piloting experience.
After the return, I was strongly advised to leave and go to the
Reunion Island due to serious threats from malevolent ETs and human
insiders. As a matter of fact, Eve was visited by Reptilians showing
up at night in our material world and looking for my stuff in my

March 2004: A line of military vehicles, whereas the military is
never found in this dead end, came on the path overhanging the house
ten days after the event and after the policeman investigating on my
disappearance alerted the SEPRA/GEIPAN. The military stayed ten
minutes, scanning the land with binoculars. They could not have
access to it because of the height of the brambles surrounding the
UFO landing area.

March 2004: Whereas I was from now on at the island of the
Réunion, a military helicopter flew over my house at very low
altitude before making a complete turn above a future UFO landing
strip indicated on my computer. The following day, an
extraterrestrial was seen by my ex-wife, while experiencing an astral
projection, three meters above the garden, inspecting the interior of
the house with a specific apparatus.

Our home several times visited since then by aliens and insiders.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

[i] http://releases. usnewswire. com/GetRelease. asp?id=63973
http://www.space. com/scienceastro nomy/060427_ cometsw3_ noimpact. html
[iii] http://www.cyberspa ceorbit.com/ hansa_comments. html
[iv] http://www.savelive sinmay.com/
[v] See June 25 article on www.savelivesinmay. com
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